Archive for Juni 2010

Free PDF The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr.

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The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr.

The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr.

The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr.

Free PDF The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr.

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The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr.

Book Description

Other books have claimed to help readers build a lucrative financial services practice…but it was The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice that provided ambitious financial advisors with a step-by-step, tactical process proven to work. The second edition is updated throughout and contains new strategies for acquiring affluent clients and assets by providing Wealth Management services, using social media and “Alumni Marketing,” targeting successful realtors as clients, and much more. Using the method he has taught at Merrill Lynch and is famous for in the industry, author David J. Mullen, Jr. shows how anyone—no matter where they are in their career—can get the appointment, convert prospects to clients, build relationships, retain clients, use niche marketing successfully, and increase the products and services each client uses. Packed with templates, scripts, letters, and tried-and-true Market Action Plans, the book provides readers with the tools and guidance they need to take their financial services practice to the million-dollar level and beyond.

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From the Inside Flap

The total wealth of high-income households in the U.S. is predicted to more than double by 2020, rising to $87 trillion—and the need for savvy, motivated financial planners to manage this money is going to rise accordingly. Are you ready to capitalize on this growth and take your financial services practice to the next level? Whether you’re new to wealth management or a seasoned pro, The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice will help you build your business, expand your pool of high-end clients, and increase the number of products and services each client uses. Author David J. Mullen, Jr.—a former managing director at Merrill Lynch, whose advisor training program is famous in the industry—provides everything you need to build a million-dollar practice. It’s all here: templates, scripts, letters, and Market Action Plans that will help you target your niche market and turn prospects into clients. Taking a prescriptive and practical approach, Mullen lays out the fundamental requirements of a successful financial services practice, and also shows how the human touch makes all the difference in this industry. You’ll learn about the five characteristics of million-dollar producers, pick up essential time-management techniques that will boost your productivity, plus get expert advice on: • Setting and reaching goals by breaking them down into manageable and realistic parts • Leveraging existing clients to gain new ones • Identifying your “natural” markets • Developing and retaining a loyal client base built on trust and communication This second edition is bursting with new information and updates, including a chapter on using social media to acquire new, affluent clients and assets, valuable tips on using “alumni marketing,” and new strategies for attracting successful Realtors as clients. An expanded section on motivation will help you pinpoint the personal goals behind your desire to succeed, and then show you how to use those drivers to push yourself and your business onward and upward. With these skills and strategies in hand, you’ll be able to successfully grow your business to a million-dollar practice and reap the rewards of the exploding wealth management market. David J. Mullen, Jr. recently retired as a Managing Director at Merrill Lynch, where he personally hired, trained, and managed over 500 financial advisors. His advisor pro­gram has had a consistent success rate of twice the industry average, and his methods have been adopted by many managers and advisors firm wide. He has worked directly with over 100 individual million-dollar and multimillion-dollar financial advisors. Mullen is also the founding partner of Altius Learning (, a training company specializing in the financial services industry, and the author of The Million-Dollar Financial Advisor.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 352 pages

Publisher: AMACOM; Second edition (February 13, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0814431739

ISBN-13: 978-0814431733

Product Dimensions:

6.5 x 1.3 x 9.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

72 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#142,968 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

If you're an advisor, whether you need a push or not, and regardless if you're new to the business or an old hand, this book is for you and a don't miss. Mullen does a nice job describing what he sees as important executables - and should as he was in the industry for many years as a branch manager. The scripts are well done, but of course you'll want to tailor them to your style. He's a huge advocate of doing/following/mimicking the success of million-dollar producers and follows this theme throughout the book in great detail.This is book is third in line of important books to read if you're an advisor and is only behind Nick Murray's "Game of Numbers" and "Behavioral Investment Counseling", but it's a book that should add value to your practice. Mullen also authored "The Million Dollar Financial Advisor" but it simply isn't near as good as this book and would be much further down my list of books in this category.

I was actually reluctant to purchase this book because of all of the great reviews. I thought they had to be given something in return for a favorable review. But this book IS THE REAL DEAL! I purchased it (kindle version to receive quicker) because I need a business plan to present to prospective financial brokerage firms....and I have had writers block for two months. I have received some good information from a few advisors that I know who are now 20 years in the business and independent, and though their advice was helpful,they didn't give me anything concrete to put in a plan.Bottom line is this. If I would have had a plan like this 12 years ago when I started real estate, it would have been game over by now. If you want to write a business plan that you can implement and be successful with, buy this book right now.I can't say enough good things about this book. The only thing though, for you and I, is that once this plan is complete, work our fricken tails off.Buy this, create your own plan and follow it.I can't believe this author doesn't have a big online presence or following.Most of this information applies to other service industries as well.Good luck and much success to you.

This is an excellent resource for the new or seasoned practitioner looking to take their practice to a new level. From tactical plans to midsets, to tips and traicks for the advisor. Drawing on Mullen's decades of experience as an advisor, manager and trainer for some of the largest firms in the country, the success tactics are actionable and specific.The approach Mullen uses is complete with sample scripts, practical data points historical data and specific best practices that are actionable for the advisor to apply and implement in their practice immediately. The book will give a thought of marketing plans, specificity of market, thoughts of how to target specific markets, as well as the approach to use within the specific target markets.If you are an advisor, broker, accountant, or other financial services professional, this book will give you great advice, specific best practices and actionable plans to establish, grow and manage their practice. A must have.

I like the simple and practical format is the book on a complex and legally complex industry with non legalese language but ver practical advise and strategy.I recommend the book to anyone considering staring a financial advisor business or marketing related profession.I have it the 4 star rating based on the valuable and simple way of teaching the subject.

Just know you need to a Series 7, 63 & 65 or 7 & 66 to use the strategy in this book to build your business. I mention this because some places try not to sponsor for a 65 or 66.

If you’re new to financial advising, do yourself a favor and buy this. The marketing suggestions and appendix are worth the buy

Just recently licensed, I was searching for a book to help me get started, since I will be working as an independent financial adviser. Ordered this book because of the high reviews and I have to say this book did not let me down. It was better than I expected. This book breaks down exactly what you need to do, step by step, to grow a million dollar practice. My favorite chapters were the first (Overview) and the third (The numbers you need to succeed).The Overview basically tells you what to expect, explaining that as a new adviser 70% of a 10 hour day should be spent on marketing. Also provides a break down for your weekly marketing goals, time commitment, and target markets.The Numbers chapter breaks down how many appointments you must set weekly, how much assets you must get under management on a monthly basis, the minimum qualified prospects to keep, and a specific road map to growing your business to a million dollars.The book also contains marking plans, scrips to help you get started and much more. This is a great book for any new adviser that is serious about growing their business to a million dollar practice!

This is the most comprehensive training system for ALL FA's ever written. Dave has taken his years of experience as Top Producer and World Class Leader and translated them into a step by step system that will transform those that are willing to learn. Once read this book will act as a ready reference for years into the future. This timeless work is essential reading for all new FA's as well as senior FA's desiring to grow.

The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. PDF
The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. EPub
The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. Doc
The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. iBooks
The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. rtf
The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. Mobipocket
The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. Kindle

The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. PDF

The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. PDF

The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. PDF
The Million-Dollar Financial Services Practice: A Proven System for Becoming a Top Producer, by David J. Mullen Jr. PDF

Get Free Ebook Thin Air: A Shetland Mystery (Shetland Island Mysteries)By Ann Cleeves

Get Free Ebook Thin Air: A Shetland Mystery (Shetland Island Mysteries)By Ann Cleeves

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Thin Air: A Shetland Mystery (Shetland Island Mysteries)By Ann Cleeves

Thin Air: A Shetland Mystery (Shetland Island Mysteries)By Ann Cleeves

Thin Air: A Shetland Mystery (Shetland Island Mysteries)By Ann Cleeves

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Thin Air: A Shetland Mystery (Shetland Island Mysteries)By Ann Cleeves

Ann Cleeves is back with the sixth book in her Shetland series featuring Inspector Jimmy Perez, whom readers will remember from Raven Black, White Nights, Red Bones, Blue Lightning, and Dead Water.

A group of old university friends leave the bright lights of London and travel to Shetland to celebrate the marriage of one of their friends. But, one of them, Eleanor, disappears―apparently into thin air. It's mid-summer, a time of light nights and unexpected mists. And then Eleanor's body is discovered lying in a small loch close to the cliff edge.

Detectives Jimmy Perez and Willow Reeves are dispatched to investigate. Before she went missing, Eleanor claimed to have seen the ghost of a local child who drowned in the 1920s. Her interest in the ghost had seemed unhealthy―obsessive, even―to her friends: an indication of a troubled mind. But Jimmy and Willow are convinced that there is more to Eleanor's death than they first thought.

Is there a secret that lies behind the myth? One so shocking that someone would kill―many years later―to protect?

Ann Cleeves' striking new novel is a quintessential whodunit with surprises at every turn.

  • Sales Rank: #397335 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-05-05
  • Released on: 2015-05-05
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.60" h x 1.25" w x 5.81" l, 1.00 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 400 pages


“A riveting read.” ―Val McDermid

“Cleeves returns to a sea-bound land of crofters' cottages, barren rocks and fog, especially the fog surrounding the murders...the well-constructed procedural gains another dimension from Jimmy's re-engagement with his work and his life.” ―Kirkus Reviews

“Cleeves has an unusually deft hand with characters; not one of them seems purely plot functional, and Perez's character keeps deepening with each book. The rough islands cresting the Atlantic fit the bleakness of the murders depicted here. This series is one of two that Cleeves has going; the other stars Northumberland detective Vera Stanhope and is a hit BBC series.” ―Booklist (starred)

“Absorbing...Cleeves keeps readers guessing until the final page.” ―Publishers Weekly

About the Author

ANN CLEEVES writes two series of traditional mysteries, both of which have been turned into hit TV series. The Vera Stanhope series has been made into the hit televison series "Vera," and stars Brenda Blethyn. The Shetland novels feature Inspector Jimmy Perez and are being filmed by the BBC and are titled "Shetland." Raven Black, the first Shetland novel, won the CWA Gold Dagger. Ann Cleeves lives in England.

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Thin Air: A Shetland Mystery (Shetland Island Mysteries)By Ann Cleeves PDF

Thin Air: A Shetland Mystery (Shetland Island Mysteries)By Ann Cleeves PDF

Thin Air: A Shetland Mystery (Shetland Island Mysteries)By Ann Cleeves PDF
Thin Air: A Shetland Mystery (Shetland Island Mysteries)By Ann Cleeves PDF